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a partnership between   yesterday's memories, today's youth, and tomorrow's students: an experience of food and culture 

Beveridge Middle Schhol Students / Learning Community Center / ILUNO students


This was a collaboration between these three organizations and promote a time to learn about culture and food. All three institutions met three times within 8 weeks to discuss culture - traditions and foods. 

The first meeting was introductory as we broke into groups and talked about our countries. Our second meeting was a collaboration of recipes and memories and the third meeting brought food to our mouths as we talked about what we liked. Ages ranged from 12 - 25+. It proves that age doesn't matter when there is something in common.

The result of this colloboration was a cultural cookbook we hope to use as a fundraiser in 2016.

Introduction of cultures

After talking about cultures and food, the three classes celebrated by having a potluck of ethnic foods - delicious!

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